loose leash walking
improve your walks, gain focus with your pup!
Ideal for your busy lifestyle, or
if your frustrated with your pups lack of understanding,
or you want to clean up of your pups skills
We walk with you and coach you
We train your dog and hand skills off to you
client train and walk
5 each 30 min walks with a trainer
These client walk and trains are for puppies and non reactive adolescents or adults.
Slight excitement in the presence of humans, dogs, or other animals is acceptable.
Reactivity is defined as excessive barking/lunging on leash. Uncontrollable panic, perceived aggression or redirected perceived aggression.
You have a new puppy or an adolescent and you specifically want to work on Loose Leash Walking skills.
You struggle with leash pulling and want to learn a “heel” or better communication with your pup during your walks.
You want to brush up your non reactive older dog on their walking skills
Client train and walk is for you if:
What to expect:
You will work one on one with a trainer during your walks.
You will gain better communication with your pup on your walks.
You will learn how to convert your leash pulling pup, to a pup that will want to walk with you.
You will walk with a trainer every other day, in your neighborhood, for
5 consecutive walks. (ex. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday) We exclude weekends. Time scheduled.
Note: Time is scheduled. Once scheduled, no refund for skipped/cancelled walk, without prior notification. All walks must be completed within 2 weeks of start date.
During each session:
Trainer will evaluate pup and clients skills & may make recommendations based on observations
Session 1 -
Discussion on the theory behind leash walking, equipment, road safety,
management strategies, pressure/resistance, harness sensitivity and devaluing equipment.
Learn “With me” & Training will begin inside the house
Session 2 -
Discussion on the leash mechanical skills, communication skills with pup
(Language & Consistency)
Learn ”Switch”, “Lets go” & Training practice walking in the back yardSession 3 -
Discussion on environmental control with client
(At this point trainer may make a recommendation for adding extra walking training days)
Learn ”Sniff”, “Leave it” & Training practice walking in the front yardSession 4 -
Discussion on working with distractions
Learn ”Move along”, “Find it” & Practice on the streetSession 5 - Putting it all together, Recap of all behaviors and take it on the road
What you learn during our 1 on 1 Leash Walking- 30 minute sessions
Once classes are completed, you will receive our leash walking tutorial that you can keep referencing if you need to refresh yourself and your skills.
You will get a free treat pouch to use during your walks as a gift to you.
BONUS - Free treat pouch
Each lesson comes with written homework, access to me via email, or phone conversation after each lesson if needed. (Optional video conference $50 per 30 min session)
Follow Up
May apply for private lessons outside of Billerica, Burlington, Wilmington, Tewksbury, Bedford or beyond our typical 5 mile radius.
Rate of $25 per 1/4 hour of travel time per lesson.
Travel ChargeS
A $25 fee applied if class is cancelled prior to sending video lecture. If class is cancelled after video lectures are sent and prior to hands on training sessions a $150 fee is applied.
note: no refunds once class #1 is started. All classes must be finished within two weeks of start
If you are unsure if your dog is reactive on leash.
Reach out and we can give you a free evaluation
evaluation -
Before you decide what program may work for you, lets discuss the option for a FREE 30 minute Evaluation.
The evaluation will only evaluate your dogs existing behaviors and manners
the free evaluation will not give you skills or tools to solve your dogs behavior issues.
5 each 30 min walks & 1 EACH CLIENT HANDOFF
You have a new puppy or an adolescent and you specifically want to work on Loose Leash Walking skills, & you don’t have the time to put into the practice
You struggle with leash pulling and want to learn a “heel” or better communication with your pup during your walks & you would like a professional trainer to the
skills teaching to your pup one on one.
The trainer will take your dog for a walk every day for 5 days.
The trainer will hand off the skills to you on day 6 and walk with you for 30 min
Your dog will learn to walk nicely on leash with a specific language.
Requirement - While trainer is working with your pup, we require you to not walk your pup during the training week.
Requirement - We require you to have a specific harness prior to beginning our training. We also require a minimum 6 foot leash and a flat buckle or martingale collar. You can purchase your harness, leash and collar from the links to Amazon on our site.
Note: Time is scheduled. Once scheduled, no refund for skipped/cancelled walk, without prior notification. All walks must be completed within 1 week of start date.Note: Trainer will assess pup and learning capabilities by day 3 and if additional training days are required, trainer will bring this to the attention of the client, and discuss adding additional training days.
What to expect:
During each session:
Trainer will evaluate pups skills from previous session, equipment, environment & may make recommendations based on observations
***At any point trainer may make a recommendation for adding extra walking training days***
Session 1 -
Evaluate current skill level
Establish communication with pup (Language & Consistency)
Learns ”Switch”, “Name game” & practice begins in the back yardSession 2 -
Evaluate memory from previous session - Practice previously learned skills
Establish skills, “Lets go”, “With me” & practice walking in the front yardSession 3 -
Evaluate memory from previous session - Practice previously learned skills
Establish skills “Sniff”, “Leave it” & practice begins on the streetSession 4 -
Evaluate memory from previous session - Practice previously learned skills
Establish skills ”Move along”, “Find it” & practice continues on the streetSession 5 -
Evaluate memory from previous session - Practice previously learned skills
Trainer will combine all behaviors together learned from previous sessions
Establish a route to transfer to client, establish hazards and areas of concern
with a walk around your neighborhood.Session 6 - 1 hour
Hand off session with the client to teach you the skills we have taught your pup.
Discussion of the mechanics of loose leash walking, walking skills (language),
walking route (hazards/concerning areas).
Trainer will evaluate client handling skills and communication skills with the pup.
(At this point trainer may make a recommendation for adding extra days for transfer skills practice with client/trainer)
Trainer will discuss possible future training, successes and areas of concerns with behavior and your pup.
What your dog will learn during our Leash Walking- 30 minute sessions
Once classes are completed, you will receive our leash walking tutorial that you can keep referencing if you need to refresh yourself and your skills.
BONUS - Free treat pouch
You will get a free treat pouch to use during your walks as a gift to you.
Each lesson comes with written homework, access to me via email, or phone conversation after each lesson if needed. (Optional video conference $50 per 30 min session)
Follow Up
Time is scheduled. Once scheduled, no refund for skipped/cancelled walk, without prior notification. All walks must be completed within 1 week of start date.
A $25 fee will be applied if training is cancelled within 1 week of scheduled date.
NO REFUNDS once training has begun.
NO REFUNDS if client is dissatisfied with walking skills. Prior to scheduling and training, CCBA will discuss deliverables, Skills to be learned, Client Handoff walk and what to expect, Guarantee, Cancellation policy. Client will also be required to sign our terms and conditions, as well as, our Liability policy.
A $25 fee applied if class is cancelled prior to sending video lecture. If class is cancelled after video lectures are sent and prior to hands on training sessions a $150 fee is applied.
We do not guarantee our training.
Leash Walking Skill Training is only successful, if the client follows our guidelines, and continues the skills we hand off.
Consistency is the heart of any training.
We will teach a specific language with your pup. If the language is changed by the client or changes the rules we have established with the pup, walking skills may begin to fall apart.
CCBA will not be held responsible for
These client walk and trains are for puppies and non reactive adolescents or adults.
Slight excitement in the presence of humans, dogs, or other animals is acceptable.
Reactivity is defined as excessive barking/lunging on leash. Uncontrollable panic, perceived aggression or redirected perceived aggression.
May apply for private lessons outside of Billerica, Burlington, Wilmington, Tewksbury, Bedford or beyond our typical 5 mile radius.
Rate of $25 per 1/4 hour of travel time per lesson.
Travel ChargeS
If you are unsure if your dog is reactive on leash.
Reach out and we can give you a free evaluation
evaluation -

“There are only two types of behaviors. Those that occur too often or those that don't occur often enough.”
Susan Friedman, Behavior Works.org