We offer a 1 hour puppy train and play and a 2 hour train and play evaluation for adults. The train and play evaluation is based on the ASPCA match program.
This evaluation program tests your dog on Sociability (how your dog behaves around humans and dogs), Resource Guarding (space, toys, food, chews) around people and dogs, Dog to Dog interactions (can your dog play and how they act around other dogs).
Our evaluation is testing your dogs baseline for basic manners when you are not around. (Sit, Down, Come, Focus, Impulse Control, Leave it, Drop it, Stay, Wait, and Loose Leash Walking).
We are also testing your dog on their crate manners, counter surfing, and general good physical and behavioral health. Finally, when your dog is playing, we are evaluating your dog’s play style, so we can match your dog with other dogs.
Why do you require so many forms, release waivers, etc?
We are working with your very loved family member and we want to make sure that you know exactly what our protocols, procedures, and our policies are. Working with dogs can be very dangerous and we want to make sure that we adhere to the most strict structure and safety protocols for not just our staff and facility but for your dog. We want to make sure we are offering the top tier of professional services to your pet in our care.
what information do you receive at pick up from the evaluation?
You will obtain a quick run down of our observations of your pup from the evaluation. This may be as simple as your dog did fantastic in x, y, z, categories, or your pup struggled in x, y, z, category. Or it could include a provisional pass for a specific behavior that may need to be worked on both at home and in the Train and Play program.
You will then receive a written report via email of the results of the evaluation. The written report will include recommendations and links for training at home. This could include video links, written articles, referral resources, etc.
What does it mean to accept mild behavior challenges?
We only accept mild behavior challenges. We truly believe that if your dog is in distress around humans or around dogs, our train and play program may not be the best fit for your dog. Being distressed increases your dogs anxiety and stress hormones and shuts down the learning center in your dogs brain.
Our program is to teach and to give a fun, safe outlet to your dog. So they are not “all in” one way or another (aka, just learning mode, or just play mode). We mix it up so you and your dog gets the maximum benefit from our program.
Mild to us, is they are able to come out of what ever feelings they have, or they only last for a short duration, not excessive or extreme and they are able to recover. Mild behavior gives us something to work with.
Any reputable professional would refer out to specialists if your dogs behavior is extreme or excessive.
Example, if you had mild headaches, your primary care would be able to help. However, if you had migraines, they would refer you to a neurologist.
Example, if you had a bad back or a back injury, your primary care would immediately refer you to a physical therapist or to a orthopedist.
We as fear free trainers look at behavior the same way.
What do we do if your dog shows moderate or extreme behaviors during the train and play evaluation?
We will call you to come pick up your dog. We will discuss what we observed or experienced during the evaluation. We will make recommendations for short term solutions. These recommendations will not be the end all be all solutions to our observations.
We will make recommendations to an appropriate specialist. Such as, a veterinarian if we see a physical ailment prevalent (limping or coughing), a veterinary behaviorist or a veterinarian that has a special interest in behavior medicine for behaviors such as, separation anxiety, reactivity, aggression.
You will also obtain our referral document appropriate to the behavior we are dismissing the dog for.
WHy do we require so many vaccinations?
To keep your dog and puppy safe! Specifically wondering about the flu vaccine?
In 2023 into early 2024 there was a mysterious virus that appeared to be similar to the kennel cough virus. However, it wasn’t kennel cough. It turned out to be a version of the canine influenza virus. Many dogs were very ill, showing the same symptoms as kennel cough. Pneumonia and some deaths being the worst of it.
So because these viruses can show up at any time with no warning, we want to keep your dogs safe while in our care.
If you want to join us but don’t have that specific vaccine just yet, don’t worry, we got you. For puppies specifically provide us with proof of one titer and a scheduled vet visit for the 2nd and you can join us. For adult dogs, we require you to have been fully vaccinated.
As we don’t allow puppies to interact with the adult dogs, unless parent approved, we keep both age groups safe.
You are absolutely correct. There are always things that happen in the environment that no human has 100% control of. The difference between 100% fear free vs Fear Free training is that we do everything in our power to train with compassion, integrity, and fun, along with, arranging the environment to assist the learner in the most humane, ethical way, and we really listen, observe and evaluate your dogs behavior every moment they are with us to ensure they have the least amount of stress, anxiety and fear during their time with us.
We want to help your dogs learn resiliency in the face of those triggers and surprises, so they can recover as quickly as possible and learn that those things that happen in every day life, that we humans have no control over, aren’t as bad or as scary as they initially feel or thought they are.